Europa en las XVIII Jornadas del CIPFP Ausiàs March 2024

Europa en las XVIII Jornadas del CIPFP Ausiàs March 2024

Una mañana en Europa en las XVIII Jornadas del CIPFP Ausiàs March

El jueves día 1 de febrero viajamos a Europa gracias a la colaboración de numerosas instituciones que nos informaron de múltiples oportunidades para vivir experiencias de aprendizaje y colaboración. El salón de actos estaba completo con estudiantes muy interesados en conocer opciones tanto de formación como de información, voluntariado y/o trabajo en Europa.

En la sesión de después de la pausa, l@s protagonistas participantes en estas aventuras europeas han compartido sus experiencias con l@s asistentes, testimonios únicos que muestran de primera mano cómo estas experiencias europeas mejoran la vida de quienes las disfrutan.

Muchísimas gracias a tod@s por esta mañana tan intensa y por despertarnos las mariposas europeas; haciendo ya planes para este verano en voluntariado, colaboración, cursos….

Nada mejor que un regalo musical para poner un broche a esta mañana de emociones:

Cloenda de la jornada amb l’ actuació del QUARTET KÀSIUMBRASS.

Conservatori Superior de Música de València “Joaquín Rodrigo”.

A screenshot of a computer

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A white text on a white background

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A group of people playing instruments

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generated A group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table with a banner

Description automatically generated  A group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table in a room

Description automatically generated A group of people sitting in chairs in a room

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people in a room

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of women sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A person sitting at a table with a white banner

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting in a room

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generated A group of people posing for a photo

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