I want to study

I want to study

The school homes around 1780 students coming from different cultural, educational and motivational backgrounds, supported by circa 100 teachers, 3 secretaries, 3 caretakers, 4 cleaning staff and 1 maintenance professional.

Our Studies

Supported by great facilities, we offer a wide choice of vocational studies, within the areas of:

We offer two different levels of Vocational Training studies, all integrated within the Secondary Education level. The first group of studies, which certify the level of "Technician", can be accessed after the finishing of the compulsory secondary education studies (at 16 years of age). The second group, the "Higher Technician", can be accessed after the finishing of a "Technician" level of studies, or after finishing the non-compulsory secondary education studies, right before university.

All our studies are very focused on praxis and are work-centered, and all students must pass a 350-hour period in a company at the end of their studies, in order to get certified.