The school
CIPFP Ausiàs March (Integrated Public Vocational Training School) is located in Angel de Villena s/n street, next to the "Rotonda de los Anzuelos" (the "fish-hook roundabout"), on the southern part of the city. It lies right next to the city exit to Alicante.
There are 1780 students enrolled in our courses, with over 100 teachers, 3 administration workers, 3 janitors, 4 cleaning staff and 1 maintenance technician.
Our studies offer comprises 4 different professional fields: Business administration, Trade, Information technology and Health studies.
We offer two different levels of Vocational Trainig studies, all integrated within the Secondary Education level. The first group of studies, which certify the level of "Technician", can be accessed after the finishing of the compulsory secondary education studies (at 16 years of age). The second group, the "Higher Technician", can be accessed after the finishing of a "Technician" level of studies, or after finishing the non-compulsory secondary education studies, right before university.
Our center is fully equipped with all the equipment and facilities needed for the specific necessities for each area of studies: workshops, laboratories, computer rooms, etc.
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